Tenant FAQs
Answers to Common Tenant Questions
How do I report a maintenance item?
If you need maintenance, you may fill out the on-line maintenance request or you may call the office during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m.). To report emergency maintenance needs after regular business hours, call the office (512-472-6201) and follow the instructions to report an emergency. For police or fire emergencies, call 911 before calling Harrison-Pearson.
Can I be charged for maintenance at the property?
Yes, if resident damage or neglect causes the maintenance problem.
Can I install cable or satellite TV at the property?
Usually, yes. However, you must obtain written permission from Harrison-Pearson before any installation work is done. Any cost of installation or damage done to the property during installation is the responsibility of the tenant.
Can I get a pet after I move in?
Not without written consent of your property manager. Most owners of rental property have very strict rules regarding pets. Please refer to your lease for the consequences of having a pet without the landlord’s permission.
What if I want to change or add a roommate or sublease my property?
A roommate may be added with the owner’s approval. The new roommate must fill out an application and be approved with the same process as any new tenant. Once their application is approved, all parties will sign the needed lease forms. As for subleasing, as a general rule we do not allow subleasing of properties. If you have to vacate the property prior to the end of your lease and wish to avoid the penalties associated with breaking your lease, you can work with your property manager to find a new tenant for the property. Again, the new tenant(s) would fill out an application and go through the same approval process. If the tenant’s application is approved, a new lease will be drawn up. Once the new lease is signed by all parties and all deposits and rents are paid, you will then be released from your obligations under your original lease.
When and how must I give my notice to vacate the property?
Please refer to your lease for specific dates and time periods. In most cases, a notice to vacate must be received by the management company in writing 30 days prior to vacating the property, after your lease obligations have been fulfilled. Please review the Move Out Procedures and then deliver written notice to our office.
What happens to my security deposit after I move out?
Please review the Move Out Procedures.